Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Cape Cod

 After Labor Day, Bob, Markus, my mother and I went to Cape Code to visit her sister Hanni and my cousins Patrick and Barbara.  The first day it was pouring rain, but warm, and we went to Provincetown.  This is a fish packing house on the dock with photos of the Portuguese women of Provincetown.

The library in Provincetown has a huge (100' long) model of the sailboat that won the race from Provincetown to Boston in the children's area of the library.

We spent a delightful day helping Patrick and Barbara (Woodbury Shellfish) dig and sort clams.  They have been growing clams since 1986 on a 5 acre grant in the Wellfleet Harbor and supply many of the really good restaurants in Boston (and a few in New York).  Gourmet magazine called their clams the best in the northeast.  It was a calm, warm day when we donned chest waders to go out on the low tide and dig clams.  You use a huge rake attached to a basket which you attach to a belt around your middle to help pull it through the top 3-5" of sand/mud.  Then we take all the clams back to sort them by size on this machine that Patrick invented.  The rollers get ever wider as they go down sorting the clams by size.  It was lots of fun.  We also took walks with Hanni on the beaches of the Atlantic (on this trip we have truly gone coast-to-coast).  This is the site of the Marconi radio station, the first station that transmitted a radio signal to Europe.  Obviously, there is nothing left except a few foundations (which are under water).

We also went out to this seal colony which was being observed by a volunteer who pointed out the seals with shark bites and with pieces of plastic around their necks which will cause them to die.  I hadn't been to Cape Cod since the early 60's and it was lovely to visit again after all the crowds had died down (somewhat).
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